Plan Design Pricing

Because the work-load varies greatly based on existing conditions and the extent of drawing needed, remodeling projects are priced on a per-project basis.
However, pricing for New Construction projects is based on the square footage of the Total Covered Area, according to this pricing matrix:

0-2,999 Sq. Ft. 1 Story: $1.60/sq. ft. 2 Story: $1.70/sq. ft.
3,000+ Sq. Ft.: 1 Story: $1.50/sq. ft. 2 Story: $1.60/sq. ft.

Pricing as stated above is for a full set of Architectural and Electrical plans, along with a Site Plan. Additional services that are not reflected in this pricing may be added at the request of Builder/Owner:

Engineered Foundation Plan: $0.30/sq. ft.
Non-Essential Interior Elevations: $5.00/ln. ft.

Please note that other plans and documents may be required by the AHJ or HOA for permitting or construction that are not part of these design services, and are the responsibility of the Owner/Builder to provide or procure through a separate Engineering firm.

Such plans or documents may include, but not be limited to, Framing Plans, Additional Civil Plans (Landscape/Grading/Irrigation), Engineered Structural Plans, Manufacture Shop Drawings, Specifications and Selections.

Sample Plan

We pride ourselves on creating a clean set of house plans that are comprehensive and easy to read.

Here is an example set of plans, created for Y4 Custom Homes:

© Copyright 2021 T.S. Young Designs LLC Built by BowieCreative